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Message from Mike

Thank you for reading and forwarding this newsletter to others. I'm very fortunate  to be part of the adaptive sport and activity scene throughout southern California and other parts of the US and world.  There are many wonderful organizations and individuals offering opportunities for people with disabilities and their family members to fully participate in society.  You can find many of their websites towards the end of this newsletter.

This past week I read a good article about adaptive sports-  "What are adaptive sports? All the facts and details discussedby Kenneth Mwenda.  It's well worth reading, providing a good explanation about adaptive sports.

I'm very grateful to be partnering with Special Olympics Southern California (SOSC) and Aceing Autism.  Beginning in mid-October we will be offering tennis and pickleball at Rancho Las Palmas in Rancho Mirage with these and other partners.  We are looking for volunteers and hope that athletes will fill out the Special Olympics Registration Form.   Please see below for registration information.

On Wednesday August 2, we held a town hall zoom meeting in collaboration with SOSC.  You can find the recording here.  We appreciated everyone who attended the town hall and are looking forward to revitalizing both SOSC and Aceing Autism in the Coachella Valley.  

For those of you who follow professional basketball Coach Greg Popovich of the San Antonio Spurs is one the greatest of all time. (As a life- long Lakers fan even I can appreciate him.)  This week I read an article in the Atlantic  Gregg Popovich’s guiding philosophy on journey to Hall of Fame: ‘Get over yourself’" 

Since 1996, when Popovich became Spurs head coach, his players have surely been told to get over themselves as often as he has reminded them to “pound the rock.”

Penned by 19th century social reformer Jacob Riis, this adage adorns the walls of the Spurs’ locker room, translated into every language spoken by his ethnically diverse corps of players:

“When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.” 

Popovich knows if one is truly to buy into pounding the rock, one first must get over oneself, just as he had to during his time at the United States Air Force Academy.

Imagine telling a professional basketball player to "get over yourself".  These guys most likely have huge egos always surrounded by adoring fans. 

As I thought more about this I wondered what kind of world we might have if we all took this philosophy to heart.  We all want to feel important but what if we thought more about and acted upon helping others, not just those in our immediate families but also our communities and the larger world.  What if instead of "me" or "mine" we said "we" and "ours"?  What if we got "over ourselves"?

We have been very fortunate in developing our first video with Team Trust Productions Ryan Wilson,  the Director, and his team are cool dudes and have made many wonderful videos.  Check out Team Trust's Youtube Channel.

Check out our video here.  


Please register for an account to always receive our newsletter and feel free to forward this newsletter to others.  


Hope to see you soon!  Thank you!

Check out our activities from the last week!

Monday Night Workouts



Monday night workouts offer lots of opportunities for stretching, rowing, weight training and coaching in sports such as bball and pickleball.  In the cooler months we may move outside.

DRAGONS Basketball



Monday DRAGONS Bball is the place to be from 2:15-4:15 at the PD DRD Gym.  We collaborate with DRD Adaptive providing skill building drills and playing!


Desert ARC-Palm Desert (Fridays)


We've been partnering with Desert ARC since April providing opportunities for stretching, bball and pickleball drills and skills development and boccia!

Desert ARC-Yucca Valley (Mondays)



Besides Miracle League, Yucca Valley residents have not had a lot of opportunities to play adapted sports.  We offer similar activities as in Palm Desert and starting September 11 we will be inside at the Boys and Girls Club, please see below to sign up.

Fun in the Sun-Amp'd on Life (Irvine)  


A number of organizations came out to Will Mason Park in Irvine on Saturday, along with a number of participants to enjoy the annual Fun in the Sun!

Monday DRAGONS Basketball with DRD Adaptive




Monday Night Sports and Workout- August 14 and 28 at Palm Desert Library. August 21 At Kinetex Gym.  Registration is on a monthly basis!  (Parents, caregivers and siblings are free.)




CV Derby Girls-August 26



CV Derby Girls-Agosto 26



Yucca Valley Adapted Sports-Monday Mornings Starting September 11. Registration is on a monthly basis.



Please join us for our first fundraising event and dinner-September 24.  We appreciate your support!




Expert Instruction/Coaching in Adaptive Archery October 2-30



Newport Sailing and Beach Party-October 7




Expert Tennis/Pickleball Lessons in Collaboration with Special Olympics, Aceing Autism at Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort. Starts October 18. Registration is on a monthly basis.



Hiking Starts October 23



Learn to Row-October 28-National City





Vendors, who would like to participate can also register by clicking on the link.  




Did you know that we have a school-based program-Sports for everyBODY (SEB)!  We are continuing our work with Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) and are interested in expanding to other districts and locations throughout southern California.  Please contact to bring SEB to your children's school(s).




We believe in the power of collaboration in leveling the playing field and truly bringing about societal inclusion.  That's why we're listing these events and also websites of our friends who are doing phenomenal work!  Please visit below and click on the links  to find out more

Inland Empire Disability Expo-August 26


We will be offering some adapted sports at the Expo!

Inland Empire Disability Expo-August 26



September 22-Kids Fun Fest



September 22-Kids Fun Fest






Check out these calendars/websites for other events!




Check out these website for many more activities and opportunities as we level the playing field.

Aceing Autism

Amp'd on Life

Angel City Sports

Angel View

Building Bridges for Special Needs

California Inclusive Sailing

Challenged Sailors

DRD Adaptive

Ezekiel's Gift of Love

Fenixia Foundation


IE Autism

LEAPS Services


Olive Tree OT

Special Olympics of Southern California

Triumph Foundation


Variety of the Desert



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